Mindset and Personal Development Coaching

I kept waiting for life to happen! When was I going to feel happy? From the outside in, my life looked complete, yet I felt so empty. I always felt like something was missing. I had everything I ever wanted, yet still felt so unfulfilled. It took me many years to understand this and where the empty feeling was coming from. 

Over the past 7 years I have met so many people that feel the same way as I did. Waiting for life to happen. Waiting for the day they would be happy. Happiness is a choice. It's something we deliberately choose each day. No one or thing is going to make you happy. I knew this, but I didn't feel it. How was I going to make myself happy? How was I going to get out of this place of dis-ease and find contentment with the choices I had made?

It took a lot of wrong choices, tears and healing to get me to where I am today. I wish I could say it was easy, but it's been a journey from within.


Rebecca Schocker

Hi, I'm Rebecca Schocker

Founder of Rebecca's School of Thought and Rebecca Schocker Coaching!


This is my Story

Growing up in a town I hated and not ever feeling like I fit in, I knew the first chance I got, I would leave. That wasn't the case as I had a baby and it made me feel anchored with my life choices. After struggling to feel like I was trapped, I finally found enough courage to pack myself and my daughter up and leave for college. I decided it was time to break free from my limitations and step into the person I was always meant to be — confident and free to live the life I’ve always imagined. 

Now I’ve turned my transformation into an easy-to-follow system that anyone can use to unlock their potential and start enjoying life like never before.

I don't use the same methodologies as your typical coach, I feel like a lot of that advice can be good, but it doesn't get to the root cause of your suffering. You need a different approach to solving your problems and I offer a unique perspective to help you get there.


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